A program recorded in Brussels, in his lair in the Dansaert district, the bar L'Archiduc. When ? Very recently since Arno evokes the decoration which was given to him last week. The king has indeed made him an Officer of the Order of the Crown. "Does it make you laugh?" asks Augustin Trapenard. "It's surreal," replies Arno who still confesses to being proud but denies being called a legend.
But the chef's surprise is the announcement of a new album. It's the last dream he has left to live, he says: "Finish my record. I am in the process of recording it but there are still things to do. I did two songs with my son who did the music.”
This program, Arno absolutely wanted to record it explains Augustin Trapenard, “while he had to cancel his concerts. It’s a gift from a friend, it moved us a lot.”
Together they talk about the war in Ukraine (the war in Ukraine (“In the state I am in now, the past no longer exists and today is the truth.” And he adds, "There is a war today in Europe and I am afraid. I am afraid of what is happening in the world, for my children. We have lived through Covid and now there is war"), blues which is the source of all his music like that of the Beatles and the Stones, of his friendship with Marvin Gaye when the latter came to live in Ostend in the 80s. mind, she keeps me going. I'm addicted, I always have to have some at home."
At the turn of the conversation, he sings “One Night With You” by Elvis Presley, the first title of the King which he discovered at 8 years old. The voice is still there, perhaps a little less powerful, slightly veiled but that's it.
Suddenly, he also announces that he has recorded a song to do with Mireille Mathieu called “La Paloma”. Info or intox ? We lean towards the second option. Mireille Mathieu is a running gag that he has used for a long time in interviews and “La Paloma” is a title appearing on the album of Charles and the Lulus. But with Arno, we are not close to a surprise. He drives the point home with a small smile in his voice: "We sent him last night, we are waiting for the answer". One thing is certain, the singer has not lost his legendary sense of self-mockery and humor in general.
At the end of the interview, the theme of death comes up. As we know, Arno has pancreatic cancer. On the last photos of him, those published on the occasion of the presentation of his medal last week, even if he is all smiles, the face is marked, the features drawn. "I lost a lot of people around me this year," he says of the disappearance last year of Paul Couter, his early guitarist sidekick and TC Matic, and later , that of his friend Michel Piccoli. "What do you feel when you witness the departure of a friend?", asks Augustin Trapenard. “You have to accept that but I'm sad when I think of them. But it happens to everyone in their life.”
Do you think about it a lot, you, (about death) ? “No, in the state where I am I accept that”. […] I am not complaining and I say thank you life.”
source : dhnet.be
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